Vader Episode I: Shards of the Past

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I destroyed your enemies. Forged for you an Empire. Yet... Like the Jedi, you have left me a mere shadow of what I was promised. You have taken... EVERYTHING! ~ Darth Vader

Vader Episode I: Shards of the Past is a 2018 Star Wars fan film. It takes place eight months after Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, and focuses around one of the main villains of the Star Wars franchise, Darth Vader.

Directed by Danny Ramirez. Written by Danny Ramirez, Star Wars Theory and Nikolaj Wejp-Olsen.

Opening Title Cards

  • Anakin Skywalker is DEAD.

For eight months, the mysterious DARTH VADER has enforced the Emperor's commands.

For some, the EMPIRE brings fear. For others, it brings hope.

But for Vader, it brings nothing but SUFFERING....


Who stands in your way, Lord Vader? Who holds you back? Keeps you subjected and decrepit within that armor? Anyone? If so... Only your hate will eradicate him. Use it. ~ The Emperor
A mighty Sith Lord crippled by melancholy and indecision! All due to the attachments of a Jedi! ~ The Emperor
Clone Trooper: There isn't any way out of this! What are you doing?! Let him go! Drop him! Surrender and you'll live! You're outnumbered! Think about this! You will never escape! We will fire! Let him go... Now!
Darth Vader: I will not be denied! [draws his lightsaber]
Clone Trooper: OPEN FIRE!

[the clones are blasting at Vader, who uses his lightsaber to block the blasts]
Vader: There is no escape.
[uses the Force to push the blasts at the clones killing them all. Vader is Force-choking the Emperor]
Vader: You will suffer for your deceit. Answer for your failure to save... HER!
[drops The Emperor to the ground]
Vader: I destroyed your enemies. Forged for you an Empire. Yet... Like the Jedi, you have left me a mere shadow of what I was promised. You have taken... EVERYTHING!
The Emperor: "Everything?" Foolish boy. You grieve for a dead wife of an insolent Jedi. Your precious Padmé's fate was YOUR choice! Just as your fate is MINE!
[begins laughing wickedly. Fires lightning bolts at Vader, who blocks the attack using a corpse of one of the Emperor's Royal Guards]

The Emperor: Such a pity. How much grander and more powerful you could have still become. If you've but had the temerity to embrace the path set before you.
[fires lightning at Vader again, who uses his Force-choke to grab The Emperor and slowly kill him]

Padmé: Anakin...
Vader: Padmé.
[they embrace]
Padmé: And that... [The Emperor's voice] Is why you will never... Defeat... Me!
[reveals The Emperor is still alive. Laughs wickedly]
The Emperor: As long as you let your feelings anchor you. Forever shall you remain weaker than I. Always the servant. Always the slave! Young Skywalker!
[fires lightning at Vader, who hears Padmé's voice in his head]
Padmé: Anakin! Anakin! ANAKIN! ANAKIN!

The Emperor: Guards... Leave us.
Vader: What is thy bidding, my Master.
The Emperor: You are distressed, my friend.
Vader: I am fine, my Master.
The Emperor: Are you now? Your anger radiates like a whirlwind.... Yet.... Unfocused. No. Not unfocused. Hidden. You are trying to hide your rage from me. Why? [realizing] Ahhhh, I see. Then what is your hesitation, Lord Vader? Give in to your anger! Strike me down!
Vader: I have no such wish, Master.
The Emperor: [uses the Force to grab Vader's lightsaber, threateningly points it at him] PATHETIC! A mighty Sith Lord crippled by melancholy and indecision! All due to the attachments of a Jedi!
Vader: There is no attachment. Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him!
The Emperor: Did you?! Yet Skywalker's powers dwarfed yours! Did they not?! No?!
[switches off Vader's lightsaber]
The Emperor: Rise, Lord Vader. [Vader stands] It is the way of the Sith to destroy all who stand in our way to power. To eliminate our rivals... Is it not? [hands Vader his lightsaber] Who stands in your way, Lord Vader? [Vader takes the lightsaber] Who holds you back? Keeps you subjected and decrepit within that armor? Anyone? If so... Only your hate will eradicate him. Use it.
Vader: I... Cannot, my Master.
The Emperor: [sighs] That is why my disappointment with you grows by the second! Embrace the choices that have brought you here! Revel in them. Or forever live in the shadow of Anakin Skywalker. Now, I have a task for you, my young apprentice. There's a great disturbance in the Force. A powerful Jedi survives in the Mid Rim. He must pay the price for his betrayal.
Vader: As you wish.
The Emperor: He hides on my home planet of Naboo. And of course... That of the late Queen Padmé Amidala. It is no coincidence. He draws you there because he knows who you are, Lord Vader. The clones there report he wields an amethyst blade.
Vader: How is that possible?
The Emperor: Power. That's how. And you and I both know this particular Jedi wields a great deal of it.
Vader: I will finish what we started, Master.
The Emperor: Will you?... I wonder. Eliminate this Jedi. Pledge yourself to the Dark Side fully, Lord Vader. Relish in the gifts it bestows upon you. Only then will you be able to cast off the chains that bind you. And achieve a power as never before. Only then will you be able to destroy the rival before you.
Vader: Then I will not fail, Master.

The Emperor: Commander. Prepare my personal shuttle. I seem to be afflicted by a sudden touch of nostalgia to visit my beloved Naboo.

[Vader arrives on Naboo]
Commander Fox: Welcome, Lord Vader. The Jedi's barricaded himself in the catacombs and sealed off all of the entrances. So we had to blow our way in. But now of all the troopers we sent in... None have returned.
Vader: Lost troopers do not concern me, Commander. I want that Jedi. I will use the 501st.
Commander Fox: As you wish, sir. [walks away] Make way for the boys in blue.
Clone Trooper: Right away, sir!